

GHG Management

We conduct direct and indirect greenhouse gas inventories in compliance with the ISO 14064-1 standards, and file our inventories with the competent authorities in accordance with regulatory requirements. In addition, we gradually set renewable energy targets in line with government policies while reducing greenhouse gas emissions through various greenhouse gas reduction programs and the deployment of renewable energy.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory

All TSC production sites have put in place a greenhouse gas inventory mechanism in accordance with the ISO 14064-1 standards. TSC also includes the progress of these inventories in the matters to be regularly reported to the Boar of Directors in line with the Sustainable Development Action Plan for TWSEand TPEx-listed Companies. We are expected to complete our overall greenhouse gas inventory, which will cover our production sites across Taiwan and China, as well as other overseas operating sites, by 2026. In addition, we continue to expand emissions categories in accordance with the latest ISO 14064-1:2018 standards, in hopes of understanding the emissions hotspots of the organization through our inventory and setting more accurate greenhouse gas reduction targets. In 2023, there was a slight increase in TSC’s overall greenhouse gas emissions due chiefly to the expanded scope of inventory at our Li-Je and Shandong sites, as well as emissions of perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) as a consequence of the newly developed manufacturing processes at our Li-Je site. 

Carbon emissions at TSC are dominated by Category 2 emissions from purchased electricity. Since carbon emissions primarily emanate from all our production sites, greenhouse gas emission inventory was first rolled out at each production site, while our overall greenhouse gas inventory is scheduled for completion by 2026

Other Indirect GHG Emissions (Categories 3 to 6)

Our Li-Je and Shandong sites began to expand the scope of inventory, which initially covers Category 1 and 2 emissions only, and conduct inventories of other indirect greenhouse gas emissions in 2022. TSC will continue to improve the scope of inventory and roll out the inventory process at other production sites. TSC’s other indirect greenhouse gas emissions for 2023 was 15,765,4314 tCO2e.

Future Carbon Reduction Program

TSC’s short-, medium-, and long-term carbon reduction strategies revolve around four approaches: rolling out and implementing energy conservation programs, developing renewable energy, stepping up the establishment of management systems, and introducing digital management systems. With a number of energy conservation and carbon reduction measures in place, we endeavor to not only gradually replace old equipment at our production sites with high-efficiency treatment equipment and optimize energy efficiency on an ongoing basis, but also roll out and engage in energy transition by installing renewable energy equipment such as solar power generation facilities across all operating sites, thereby gradually moving towards energy transition.


Valid UntilTitleFile
Aug 10, 2027 ISO 14001:2015 (I-lan & Li-je)
Nov 09, 2027 ISO 14001:2015 (YEW)
Jun 20, 2026 ISO 14001:2015 (TEW)
Jun 26, 2024 ISO 14064-1:2018 (YEW)
July 01, 2024 ISO 14064-1:2018 (Li-je)